Saturday 8 November 2014

Christopher Nolan and the Avant Garde

(Posted the 8th, concerning the get the drill)

I helped Des and Alec move some luggage to their new flat (apartment) in Notting Hill.

The new flat is nestled snuggly about ten feet below street level. A small set of stairs leads down from the sidewalk to a cozy courtyard which, in turn, leads to the flat's front door.

The front door is painted magenta and its door knob is placed smack-dab in the middle of the door, hobbit-style! The keys to the front door are of the old-timey mortice key variety.  If this door were any more charming, I'd have been turned into a frog!

Inside the flat we met a kindly chap (a "chap" is like a "bloke" but he pays his child support on time) who was the house inspector. He gave the flat a through look-over and declared it to be in great condition!

After that, we went to a local mall where Alec and I saw the new Christopher Nolan movie, Interstellar, while Des did some shopping.

We had pre-ordered our movie tickets online for the 4pm showing but decided we wanted to see the earlier, 3pm, showing. The theatre management was totally cool with that and let us just walk on back to the screening rooms without going to the trouble of printing us new tickets. Though it did make us a few minutes late to the show time.

We went to the screen marked on our tickets and had a seat. The movie had already started without us but, at the most, we'd only missed a couple minutes.

The beginning of the movie was rather confusing. Characters, locations, and robots were being flung at us with no explanation or introduction.

"What an intriguing way to start a movie" I thought, "It almost feels like it's the end of a different, Christopher Nolan decided to make a sequel without ever making the first one. How daring and bold!"

Then the music started to kick in...sweeping organ music that slowly built higher and if it were going to reach a climax very soon.

"Even the soundtrack sounds like it's from the end of a movie! Man, Nolan is really running all the way with this. He truly is a cutting-edge artist."

Only, it didn't feel at all like a beginning any more. Not even a cutting-edge beginning. It totally felt like the end of a movie.

I turned to Alec and whispered: "Is this the end of the movie?"

Three seconds later the credits starting rolling.

"Oooooooooh! That makes SO much more sense."

Turns out, we went to the screen listed on our tickets, but our tickets, and the screen listed on them, were still for the 4pm show. We were catching the tail end of the 1pm showing at that same screen.

We left the theatre asked the management where the heck the 3pm showing was and he told us. We were officially 15 minutes late to the movie now.

BUT, thank goodness for long previews. We got there in plenty of time to watch the movie from the start. It was really, really good despite the fact that we already knew how it ended.

After that, we went back to the original flat (not the new one, we don't move there until Monday) and went to sleep.

"Don't give away the ending -- it's the only one we have!"
- Alfred Hitchcock

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